Sunday, March 11, 2007


*** During the World Cup last year, I noticed one soccer player on the Portuguese team, Cristiana Ronaldo, #17. He was the only reason I was rooting for Portugal, though I loved the country when I went. A few days ago I was flipping through the March Vogue and guess who I saw? Cristiano Ronaldo. I was so excited I just had to post the photos. He teams up with Daria Werbowy for the Vogue photo shoot. Parts of interview are shown.

x sara o

HOT, and I love that dress.
On being a Casanova: "According to the newspapers I have 20 girlfriends, but I have only met two or three of them."

On soccer or sex, not sure which one of the two, lol: "I am with the ball all the time, at home, whatever. It never leaves me. In fact, I don't know why I love so much the ball, but I do." Is it hot in here or is it just me?

On getting his freak on: "Though I'm very different from the English lads. I don't need to drink alcohol before I can dance. It is natural to me. It's what I do." Groovy!!!

On who is the best dressed in his team: "It's me of course," he says. And guess what, C Ronaldo is soon to come out with his own clothing line, 'CR7.'

From - american urge


Wilson José said...

You can find more High Quality pictures about Portuguese player in my blog,

Alison said...

OMG hes so pretty!
*drools a little*